Hair transplantation surgery has advanced significantly over the subsequent the last few decades. Throughout the evolution of hair transplant surgery, techniques have come and gone. Today, single strip excision procedures remain the most common type of hair transplant surgery performed according to recent surveys. However, in the last decade, an updated form of an the old punch extraction technique, now referred to Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is increasing in popularity.
FUE is a surgical technique that extracts individual hair (follicular units of FUE), “one at a time” from the donor’s posterior scalp region. This method is a minimally invasive procedure that involves using small circular punches of only 1.0 mm to remove the individual follicular units from the back of the scalp, and then reimplanting the harvested follicular units back into the scalp in the bald spots.
FUE hair transplantation requires skilled surgeons to perform the procedure successfully. If a professional conducts the surgery, this technique consistently produces successful outcomes. Patients are usually satisfied with their hair density, natural-looking hairline, and lack of linear scarring. The procedure can be difficult and time-consuming for the surgeon to perform and requires the patient to wear a very short hair cut when grafts are being harvested.
FUE hair transplantation is generally used for the treatment of male pattern baldness (also known as androgenetic alopecia). This hair loss condition, brought on by genetics, reveals itself in balding of the crown, frontal hairline, and temple points. But with an experience hair surgeon the benefits from Follicular Unit Extraction results in a natural hairline.
It is very important to have a properly trained and experienced hair replacement surgeon performing the procedure. This detail is often overlooked because patients are often searching for “the best deal” possible. When attending their hair surgery consultation, patients should ask if the surgeon is involved in all phases of the surgery. Patients should also inquire if the physician harvests the grafts and create the recipients sites necessary to produce natural hairlines. Dr. Richard Goldfarb of Hair Restoration Philadelphia is a highly trained and nationally recognized cosmetic surgeon with over 30 years experience. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Goldfarb to discuss your hair restoration options, call 215.352.5254 or request an appointment online.