Why Choose the FUE Method?

ThinkstockPhotos-100811008Dr. Goldfarb and Dr. Shapiro seek to offer patients considering hair restoration a permanent, natural looking treatment option. They exclusively use the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method because it has many benefits for the patient.

FUE requires little to no down time: the treatments are relatively pain free and produce no visible scarring that can be embarrassing for many patients. This method has proven highly successful in transplanting healthy follicles that generate natural looking new hair over a period of several months. Drs. Goldfarb and Shapiro are both highly trained and experienced cosmetic surgeons who bring a sense of artistry to the process of hair transplantation for the most natural looking results.

The FUE method enables Drs. Goldfarb and Shapiro to be more precise in the placement of donor hair follicles, something that can be difficult to achieve with the traditional “strip method” of hair restoration. There is no linear scarring associated with FUE.

FUE can be a permanent, successful solution for patients suffering from hair loss due to a variety of causes. During a consultation with one of our physicians, we will discuss your medical history and work with you to meet your cosmetic goals through appropriate treatment.

Hair Restoration Philadelphia
